Cougar Sighting

Hello SMS Families,

The City of Salmon Arm has posted that there was a cougar sighting on the Little Mountain Park trails this morning. We are telling our students to be very watchful on their walk home through that area and to walk in groups if possible. Although the risk seems minimal, we are also recommending students who must walk through that area get picked up by a parent or trusted adult if possible.

(info from BC SPCA website): Although they are skilled predators, cougar attacks are rare. However, if you see a cougar in the wild or in the city, stay calm and follow these steps:

  1. Make yourself look big – stand tall, raise your arms and spread your legs
  2. Maintain eye contact and don’t turn your head – stay focused on the cougar
  3. Make loud noises – yell, clap your hands, use a bear bell, or bang things together
  4. Don’t leave until the cougar leaves – be sure the cougar has moved on before you leave

If you have small children or a dog, pick them up or keep them close in front of you. This may feel counter intuitive, but this way you can maintain control and face the cougar. A child or dog behind you may try to run away or divert your attention from the cougar. Act like you are bigger and stronger than the cougar so they will see you as a threat.